A True Venice Story

Hello to those of you who visit Venice …

This past Sunday was indeed a very busy visit, pods coming and going at a nice speed. I just have to share a story one of the boys told me. He is certainly the most articulate in the entire pod, very attractive, racially mixed, and so careful in his demeanor.
He was telling me that he and his mother have discussed his getting a dog when he is released from Venice. His intent is to train his dog to be an appropriate [his words] pet therapy dog so he can get registered [his words] and then come back to Venice plus other facilities like Venice so he can help the children like we have helped him and the others there.
Tears flow as I write this. Who knows: we may have inspired a young boy to become a pet therapy team with his dog.
Thanks to all of  you for making this very special visit even all the more special.
Noel Thurner